七夕送り burn your wish
Originating from a Chinese legend, Tanabata(star festival) is celebrated in many parts of Asia. In Japan, on Tanabata day, people write their wishes on strips of paper and tie them to bamboo branches. The next day, they float them down the river or burn them to deliver their wishes to Hikoboshi and Orihime in the Milky Way. This event is called Tanabata Deivering. I make The "burn" of the NFT look like the "burn" of the strips. I asked people to write their wishes at the exhibition. After the exhibition is over, the photos and wishes will be converted to NFT and burned. Burning does not mean that they disappear completely, but they are transferred to an address called the burn address. The Barn was held on 8/23/2023, the day after the lunar Tanabata. May your wishes reach Orihime and Hikoboshi at the barn address.